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Best Countries 2020 in the World

Written by aneuve

Hi everyone, how are you doing?  Today’s topic is “Best countries 2020 in the world?”.

Switzerland and Canada and Japan maintain their dominance in the overall 2020, Switzerland continues its reign at the top of the 2020 Best Countries Report.

1. Switzerland (the Matterhorn)

The fifth annual Best Countries report reveals a general consensus around climate change, anxiety about big tech, and shifting perceptions of the U.S.

Who reports the best countries?

Best Countries Report, a ranking and analysis project by U.S. News & World Report, BAV Group and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

This year, the project evaluated the perceptions of 73 nations across a range of categories, from economic influence and military might to education and quality of life, to determine which countries wield the most influence on a global scale.

2. Canada(Niagara Falls)

What’s the content of nine subrankings?

Here’s a look at the global perception data behind our rankings.

★ Entrepreneurship: connected to the rest of the world, educated population, entrepreneurial, innovative, provides easy access to capital, skilled labor force,technological expertise, transparent business practices, well-developed infrastructure, well-developed legal

★ Adventure: friendly, fun, pleasant climate, scenic, sexy.

★ Citizenship: cares about human rights, cares about the environment,
gender equality, progressive, religious freedom, respects property rights,
trustworthy, well-distributed political power.

★ Cultural Influence: culturally significant in terms of entertainment,
fashionable, happy, has an influential culture, modern, prestigious, trendy.

★ Heritage: culturally accessible, has a rich history, has great food, many
cultural attractions.

★ Movers: different, distinctive, dynamic, unique.

★ Open for Business: bureaucratic, cheap manufacturing costs, corrupt,
favorable tax environment, transparent government practices.

★ Power: a leader, economically influential, politically influential, strong
international alliances, and a strong military.

★ Quality of Life (16.77%): a good job market, affordable, economically stable,
family friendly, income equality, politically stable, safe, well-developed public
education system, well-developed public health system.

3. Japan (Mt.Fuji)


11 New Zealand 12 France 13 Denmark 14 Finland 15 China 16 Singapore 17 Italy 18 Austria 19 Spain 20 South Korea 21 Luxembourg

22 United Arab Emirates 23 Russia 24 Portugal 25 India 26 Thailand 27 Greece 28 Brazil 29 Israel 30 Qatar 31 Saudi Arabia

32 Malaysia 33 Mexico 34 Poland 35 Turkey 36 Egypt 37 Czech Republic 38 Costa Rica 39 South Africa 40 Morocco 41 Indonesia

42 Argentina 43 Vietnam 44 Croatia 45 Philippines 46 Chile 47 Peru 48 Sri Lanka 49 Dominican Republic 50 Panama 51 Colombia

52 Slovakia 53 Kenya 54 Romania 55 Estonia 56 Slovenia 57 Myanmar 58 Bulgaria 59 Lithuania 60 Bolivia 61 Azerbaijan 62 Latvia

63 Ecuador 64 Jordan 65 Guatemala 66 Kazakhstan 67 Ghana 68 Ukraine 69 Tunisia 70 Belarus 71 Oman 72 Serbia 73 Lebanon

Top three in other categories

★ Most Powerful
1. United States
2. Russia
3. China

★ To Start a Business
1. Thailand
2. Malaysia
3. China

★ For Quality of Life
1. Canada
2. Denmark
3. Sweden

★ For Women
1. Denmark
2. Sweden
3. Netherlands

★ For Education
1. United States
2. United Kingdom
3. Canada

★ For Green-Living
1. Sweden
2. Switzerland
3. Finland

Candle Island (Rosoku-jima)

This rock is a sea stack that uncannily resembles a candle and it looks like a burning candle when the setting sun rests on its peak.

Among all the candle-like rocks around the country, this amazing scenery created by nature is extremely rare.

You can see the incredible sight of the candle ‘lit up’ by the setting sun if you take one of the sightseeing boats that leave from Fukuura Beach.

If you want to take the cruise, make sure to book in advance at the Okinoshima Town Tourism Association.

Otherwise, you can enjoy a pretty view of the Candle Island from above in the Ojirobana Park, and for a closer look take the nature trail down to the coast.

Rosoku-jima (Candle Rock) Sightseeing Boat
★Need prior booking★
Adults : 3,000 JPY/ Children(6-11 year-old) : 1,500 JPY
Operating period : April ~ October
The starting port and time will be designated when you book a cruise.
Please contact Okinoshima Town Tourist Association by email:

Address: Okinoshima Town, Oki-gun
Access: 40 min by car from Saigo Port to the sightseeing boat. 50 min by car from Saigo Port to Ojirobana Park. Sightseeing bus tour (Japanese language only) with Candle Island as one of the destinations also available.

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